Support us

It's Time to Start Your Adventures

Would you like to help us in some way? Please let us know. All help, in any form, is most welcome.

You may and can also support us by making a contribution to our bank account
in Belgium with bank account BE82 7310 0352 0768 of
in The Netherlands with bank account NL09 RABO 0153 6770 90.

Thank you in advance!

For all projects carried out by us, we call on local people through our foundation in The Gambia and buy local materials. Local people are trained to maintain the facilities to ensure sustainability.


All funds donated by our sponsors, obtained from their own resources or initiatives, are fully used for the implementation and realisation of our projects.

On behalf of the Gambian people ‘JEREJEFF’ – THANK YOU SO MUCH!

A few cannot do it alone, only many who join together at the right time
